Friday, August 13, 2010

Techno dog is techno?

Dear dog peeps,

Do you think this dog is mentally or physically challenged, or is the dog  really just a hip young dude digging the techo pop groove?

I have to say I watched it about 10 times, and I still can't tell.

Just hoping that it was ok to laugh.

shout out to @jdenkmire for the link


gooddogz said...

Guess it wasn't ok to laugh from You tube:
@909Thumper909 Actually, this dog is named Soba, and she belongs to Rolling Dog Ranch. They have a channel with the original footage. Soba has a neurological condition called cerebellar hyp...oplasia, which affects her balance and motor ability--it's also commonly referred to as "wobbling." She is not suffering from ivromectin toxicity.

And no, fortunately, Soba did not die after this video was recorded. :)

melF said...

I was going to say my guess is that it's neurological, but I guess you already discovered that! Soba looks happy despite her condition. I bet it throws other dogs off though - except for the ones in the video.

Anonymous said...

If it's not OK to laugh, is it OK to compliment Soba on her "hot doggy-dog moves"? I mean, I've never seen a dog dance like that!